Lose Up To 10 KG In Just 15 Days With This Diet Plan (Complete Menu)


People with normal weight are more confident than people with excess weight. This diet plan will help you to lose weight and bring your confidence back.

If you have skin or digestion problems, this diet plan will help you too. All you need to do during this diet is to remove salt, drink a lot of water and use herbal spices.

Lose Up To 10 KG In Just 15 Days With This Diet Plan (Complete Menu)


Breakfast take 1 orange (or peach, grapefruit, pineapple but avoid bananas), two integral biscuits and coffee or tea but without sugar.

For lunch take 1 boiled egg, a cup of yogurt and 1 orange.

For dinner 2 pieces of bread, 2 boiled eggs and 500 g. of salad with cucumber and tomato.


Same breakfast as on Monday

For lunch take 2 biscuits, 1 boiled egg, and 1 orange

For dinner take 1 tomato, 1 cracker, and 150 g. beef ( boiled or grilled)


Take the same breakfast as the other days.

For lunch take a cup of yogurt, 1 boiled egg, 1 orange and a salad.

For dinner drink a cup of coffee or tea but without sugar, 1 orange, 1 cookie, and 150 g. meat.


The same breakfast again.

For lunch take 1 tomato, 150 g. Low-fat cheese and a cookie.

For dinner take 1 tomato, an apple, 150 g. meat and a cookie.


Take the same breakfast.

For lunch take a tomato, 200 g. steamed fish and a cookie.

For dinner 2 boiled potatoes, a tomato and 500 g. of boiled or stewed vegetables.

At the weekends you need to eat normally. You should avoid alcohol and also canned food. In just 15 days you will see the results.

This is the Ideal Breakfast if You Want to Lose Belly Fat!

Be sure that you will not return your weight if you are not on this diet plan anymore, but only if you choose on the day of the week and on that day you will be on this diet plan.

That day, take 2 cups of water with lemons for breakfast, a tomato, an apple, boiled egg and a cookie for lunch and tomato, a cookie and one boiled egg for dinner.

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