How To Make Detox Foot Pads At Home To Cleanse Your Body Of Toxins

How To Make Detox Foot Pads At Home To Cleanse Your Body Of Toxins

While growing up, most people cared little about their body and did not feel any sense of responsibility to maintain and preserve it in good health and shape. People mostly complain of feeling tired, getting older, and their strength is failing them but they are not intentional about improving and changing their lifestyle.

Human beings need to eat healthy food and exercise daily to relieve themselves from stress and detox their bodies; however, many people always give an excuse for not leading a healthy lifestyle. If these things are too difficult to observe, then people should attempt to free their bodies from toxic substances in the body. Most of the foods consumed daily contain lots of toxins and the liver and the body is like a waste bin for storing all these substances which should be emptied.

An easy method will be to detox the body during night sleep. This method will not affect your daily schedule in any way. All you need is a few minutes prior to bedtime to prepare a mixture that will help detox the body in a wonderful way.

I found out how to make some detox foot pads at home and will love to share the recipe with you. This natural remedy has been in use by the Japanese and Chinese. The body needs to detox from top to bottom because all the toxins are dragged into the feet and as the oriental medicine believe, the feet are like a second heart.

Homemade Detox Foot Pads

How To Make Detox Foot Pads At Home To Cleanse Your Body Of Toxins

To prepare these pads at home will require garlic, onion, a kettle, a knife, gauze and some cotton stocks. Chop the garlic and onion into small pieces, add water to a kettle and allow to boil. While boiling, add the chopped garlic and onion and allow for 10 minutes. Cool the solution for 20 minutes, then place it on the gauze and bind it to the center of your feet with a piece of dry gauze; allow for the whole night. Wear cotton socks to give better support. By morning the pads will become dark as they absorb the impurities and toxins from your body.

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